This note will help you decide which report to use for which purpose. Click here to see a note on those reports, organized by the reports themselves. Click here to see how to set up an Auditor login for someone who will be able to view the reports, but not make any changes to the account.

Manage the Door

Use the Reservations report, reachable via the  rsvns button on the dashboard’s line for the event in question. Use the Search: field at the report’s upper right to find a specific patron. If you don’t have internet access at the door, you can click the Printable link near the top and then print that page. If you are scanning QR codes at the door, click the Show scans link in the bar to add scan information Prices are not shown in this report.

Find a Reservation

If you know the patron’s email address, phone number, or authorization/transaction ID, use the Search for orders link in the Reports panel of the Dashboard. You can search by email, phone number, or name. You do not need to specify a particular event for this tool to work.

Or you can use the +nameOrders by purchaser name report in the Reports panel of the Dashboard, and then use the search field at upper right to find a specific patron.

If you know the event to look in, use the Reservations report, reachable via the  rsvns button on the dashboard’s line for the event in question. and again, use the search field at upper right to find a specific patron.

Click here or here, respectively, for more on these reports.

Pull Tickets for a Single Event

Use the Reservations report, reachable via the  rsvns button on the dashboard’s line for the event in question. Click on the Sold column to sort by the date and time the order was created. Hold the mouse over the purchase date to see a tooltip with the time of day. Click here for more on this report.

Pull Tickets for Multiple Events

Use the +chron Orders by purchase date report in the Reports panel of the Dashboard. Click here for more on this report.

See Orders for a Single Event together with their Monetary Details

Use the Sales report, reachable via the  sales button on the dashboard’s line for the event in question. Seating and ticket type detaiils are not shown in this report. Click here for more on this report.

See Orders for Multiple (typically future) Events together with their Monetary Details

Use the +salesSales report in the Reports panel of the dashboard. Change the date range if you are interested in events that are not shown. Click here for more on this report.

Request Payment or See How Much We’ve Paid You in the Past

Click on the Disbursements link in the Administration panel to go to the Disbursements page. Click here for more on this report. You may want to double check the Payees page before requesting payment. Click here for more on managing payees.

Get Lists of Patrons

Use the +nameOrders by purchaser name report in the Reports panel of the Dashboard. Use the for events matching field to include only orders associated with a specific production. Use the Download link in the bar if you want to transfer the information to a spreadsheet. Click here for more on this report.

Get the List of Cast Members to Credit for Sales

Use the +creditOrders by credited name report in the Reports panel of the Dashboard. Use the Download link in the bar if you want to transfer the information to a spreadsheet. Click here for more on this report.